CR 4, w/o Kingston, Ontario

Rubblized 64,587 square meters of concrete pavement on CR 4 in Ontario with an MHB Badger Breaker®. Antigo rubblized one lane at a time and the prime contractor placed 100 mm of granular fill over the rubblized concrete. 150 mm of asphalt was later placed to complete the overlay. A modified rubblization pattern was used in an area of low subgrade support.

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Project Details


CR 4, w/o Kingston, from Hwy 33 to s/o Hwy 401, Ontario, Canada

Existing Pavement

225 mm thick JRCP

New Pavement

100 mm of granular fill and 150 mm thick asphalt overlay


Rubblization completed in 12 work days in July, 2020