The purpose of rubblization of concrete pavement prior to overlaying it is to produce a structurally sound base which prevents reflective cracking in the overlay by fracturing the concrete and then rolling it thereby obliterating the existing pavement distresses and eliminating future slab action. The MHB Badger Breaker® rubblizes up to 13 feet wide in a single pass.
Antigo refers to “modified rubblization” to describe the process of rubblization with the intent of producing somewhat larger particle sizes that compensate for a weak subgrade/base.
Articles Rubblization Controlled-Access Highways
Jul 23, 2019
Rubblize to Rehabilitate – West Virginia
Through the monitoring of pavement conditions in West Virginia, the DOH has documented that the warranty pavements, using rubblization, are out-performing traditional full depth new construction pavements.
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Reconstructing Composite Pavements – Rubblization and HMA
Recent Developments in Concrete Rubblization and Asphalt Overlay for Airfield Pavements
Highway Rubblization Projects with Concrete Overlays by State, 1999-2024
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Interstate Highway Rubblization Projects by State, 1996-2024
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